
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at Bubble!

2 min read
Nicola Wozniak
Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at Bubble!

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day at Bubble!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

It’s the 17th of March, which means it’s time to get everyone together at Bubble HQ for a day of fun, games, laughter, food and drinks (who knew you could get non-alcoholic Guinness!) to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!

Around our daily schedules and client commitments we enjoyed a buffet lunch and drinks, with plenty of us toasting a Guinness for the first time! With a table full of St. Patrick’s themed props and games we fully immersed ourselves in the occasion, as you can see from the photos below!

The Bubble team celebrating St. Patrick's Day holding up props
St. Patrick's Day buffet lunch
St. Patrick's Day banner in the Bubble office

As a team, we love getting together to celebrate these special occasions (any excuse for a party!) We think having a great office culture is imperative to our success and encourage everyone to get involved and take part!

We’re all feeling very lucky to be a part of such an amazing team who get to enjoy these special days together!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you all!

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