We’re here to break it to you that if you use any of these emojis below you’re classed as ‘old’ – by Gen Z-ers anyway!
After asking 2,000 16-19 year olds their opinions on emojis, the MailOnline published a list of the worst offending emojis, lead by the dreaded thumbs up!
The list is as follows:
1. – Thumbs Up
2. – Red Heart
3. – Ok Hand
4. – Check Mark
5. – Poo
6. – Loudly Crying Face
7. – Monkey Eye Cover
8. – Clapping Hands
9. – Kiss Mark
10. – Grimacing Face
The thumbs up emoji is the least favourite of Gen Z-ers for one main reason – it’s seen as being passive aggressive, and some find it a little rude. With this in mind we started thinking, should emojis be used in the workplace?
Should we use emojis at work?
Let’s start with the draw backs. As we’ve seen above, they aren’t always interpreted in the way we would like them to be. There isn’t an underlying agreement about what each emoji actually means.
Emojis may also be interpreted as unprofessional by some individuals. Although they are becoming more and more popular, emojis are a newer form of communication, and may not be seen as appropriate by all professionals.
Context is key. Used correctly, emojis can be seen as a friendly touch to a conversation, and help the writer seem more personable. They fit seamlessly into social media posts, or as part of a more informal email chain, however, they may not be as welcome as part of a formal HR letter!
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