Meet Chris Theaker
What do you love most about your role at Bubble?
I love the variety and the creativity. I’ve always been passionate about design, always loved being creative as a kid and coming into work I knew that’s what I wanted to do! I love the variety in each project, no two days are ever the same and above all that is the people I work with. One of the main parts of my role is making sure there is that teamwork, togetherness and collaboration.
If you could meet anyone famous, dead or alive, who would it be, and why?
That’s quite an easy one for me! Steven Bartlett is the obvious shout, I love his content, love his work and the entrepreneurship side, that really interests me. Another one is Jay Shetty for a similar reason, he’s a very inspiring person who’s also highly creative. I’m always listening to their podcasts and have read their books so I’d love to have a conversation with either of them!
Who’s your favourite sports team?
I’m a huge football fan and my team is Liverpool! Unfortunately it’s very hard to get tickets to see them play so I do have a soft spot for Doncaster Rovers and I go and watch them with my son whenever they’re playing.